Category: Wazuh

  • Graylog vs Wazuh Syslog Output Observations

    Graylog vs Wazuh Syslog Output Observations

    Recently I’ve been working with Wazuh to forward syslog from network devices using Rsyslog. Usually, I would send syslog to a dedicated SIEM but I wanted to test the out-of-the-box functionality of the Wazuh’s open-source XDR and SIEM. Upon configuring a network device with syslog and viewing those logs on…

  • Configure Rsyslog for Logging to Wazuh

    Configure Rsyslog for Logging to Wazuh

    In this article, we will take a look at how to configure a Linux server with Rsyslog so that we can receive syslog events from network devices before sending them to Wazuh’s unified XDR and SIEM. Prerequisites Configure Rsyslog Modify the following to remove the ‘#’ if you would like…

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